Department of Foreign Languages 和 Cultures
了解我们的 exchange program with University of Malaga.
We underst和 that you have four years 和 a plethora of options. Why choose to major or minor in a foreign language?
- 培养 全球公民.
- 培养语言技能.
- 获得跨文化和 跨文化能力.
- Exp和 和 foster critical, analytical, communicative skills.
- Attain cultural awareness, 不同的观点, 国际经验, an appreciation of different 文化.
- Increase your knowledge of historical, political, cultural, literary trends.
- Benefit from active learning in class, abroad, through 国内 和 international experiential learning opportunities.
- Work closely with international faculty at UE to improve linguistic 和 critical thinking skills.
- Explore different career pathways for foreign language majors through UE's Center for Career Development.
- Garner multilingual 和 multicultural skills which will prepare you for both graduate school 和 real life, by giving you a competitive edge in a global market.
- 发展重要的 职业技能 through UE's nationally recognized study abroad program.
- 计算出 你的大脑.
- Score better on st和ardized tests.
- Multi-task, focus, prioritize more efficiently.
- Increase your salary by ten to fifteen percent simply by knowing a foreign language.
- 保持大脑年轻.
There are several foreign language pathways for UE students, including:
- 法国 (小)
- 德国 (小)
- 西班牙语 (主要的)或 医疗西班牙 (major with concentration)
- 希腊 or 拉丁 (minor in Classical Studies)
- Teaching English as a Second Language (小)
- 跨文化能力 (证书)
我们提供 basic through advanced language courses, 文化课程, 语言课程, TESL课程, 文学, 专题课程 (on Lorca, on the Alps, on international film, on Diaspora, on animal representations 等.). Our study abroad programs not only offer you the chance to spend a semester or a summer immersed in 法国, 西班牙语和/或 德国, but also the opportunity to learn another language of your choosing whether it be 中国人, 日本, 意大利, 阿拉伯语, 挪威, or 沃洛夫语, 等.